Jadir de Castro e Seus Poliglotas Ritmicos – Samba Internacional (1963)

Philips P 632.167 L

If this is your first encounter with Jadir de Castro, I bet that by looking at the cover you must have assumed that he is a drummer.

If that was your guess, you were right!

I found out that he has recorded (at least) five career albums, out of which the third album, presented now, marks his premiere on Parallel Realities.
Rhythm created, as far as I understood the text on the back cover, mainly as a present to the international community.

His Poliglotas Rítmicos accompanying him, enhanced by the Coro de Joab Teixeira, are:

Jadir de Castro (Bateria)
Jorginho, Copinha e Meirelles (Flauta)
Aderbal Moreira (Sax barítono)
Zé Marinho (Piano)
Coro de Joab Teixeira

On most of the tracks Jadir is featured also as author or co-author: 

01. Nega Apanhou a Sandália (Jadir de Castro)
02. Venez Ici Mademoiselle (Jadir de Castro / Caco Velho)
03. Pensando na Europa (Jadir de Castro / Justino Martins)
04. Aí Mon Vieux (José M. Pinto / Jadir de Castro)
05. Aquarela Carioca (Lombardi Filho / Pedro Rogério)
06. Quizumba no Samba (Jadir de Castro)
07. Arrivé Le Batuque (Jadir de Castro / João Mello)
08. Na Base da Confirmação (Jorge Santos)
09. Samba Pra Nós (Laércio Vieira)
10. Barraco de Palha (Nena Caboclo / Jadir de Castro)
11. Relembrando Paris (Jadir de Castro)
12. Sofrimento Negro (Embaixador)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos