Ritmo… Melodia e A Personalidade de Jackson do Pandeiro (1961)

Philips P 630.449 L

After posting 9 Carnaval albums with his participations, it is time to finally present on Parallel Realities also a career album by the famous Jackson de Pandeiro.

Melodia… e A Personalidade from ’61 containing:

01. Aquilo Bom (Jackson do Pandeiro / José Batista)
02. Dá Eu Pra Ela (Venâncio / Corumba)
03. Empatou (Ricardo Lima Tavares ”Maruim” / Ari Monteiro)
04. Dr Boticário (Jackson do Pandeiro / Nivaldo Lima)
05. Rojão de Brasília (Jackson do Pandeiro)
06. Lingua Ferina (Elias Soares / Oldemar Magalhães)
07. A Mulher Que Virou Homem (Jackson do Pandeiro / Elias Soares)
08. Nem o Banco do Brasil (Jackson do Pandeiro / Ricardo Lima Tavares ”Maruim”)
09. Carta Pro Norte (Rosil Cavalcanti)
10. Proibido no Forró (Ricardo Lima Tavares ”Maruim” / Ari Monteiro)
11. Criando Cobra (Bezerra da Silva / Big Ben / Odelandes Rodrigues)
12. Lição de Tabuada (Rosil Cavalcanti)

If I correctly understood the linear notes by Fernando Lôbo, the female vocal is by Jackson‘s wife Almira.


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

ALMIRA CASTILHO by Edson Mendes:
Almira Castilho
was a singer, songwriter and Brazilian dancer. She was Jackson‘s partner (and also his wife) in compositions and performances on the radio, TV and films.
She began her artistic career in 1954, joining the chorus in the recording of “Sebastiana” by Jackson do Pandeiro.
During her career she wrote more than 30 songs. With Jackson, she wrote hits as “1 x 1“, “A mulher de Aníbal” and “Forró em Limoeiro“, but her biggest success was “Chiclete com banana” written with singer and composer Gordurinha. This song was recorded by many artists as Odete Amaral, Jackson do Pandeiro, Gilberto Gil, Gordurinha, Carmélia Alves and Zé Ramalho, among others.

2 thoughts on “Ritmo… Melodia e A Personalidade de Jackson do Pandeiro (1961)

  1. Milan, you're right, Almira is the female voice in this record.
    Almira Castilho was a singer, songwriter and Brazilian dancer. She was Jackson's partner (and also his wife) in compositions and performances on the radio, TV and films.
    She began her artistic career in 1954, joining the chorus in the recording of “Sebastiana” by Jackson do Pandeiro.
    During her career she wrote more than 30 songs. With Jackson, she wrote hits as “1 x 1”, “A mulher de Aníbal” and “Forró em Limoeiro”, but her biggest success was “Chiclete com banana” written with singer and composer Gordurinha. This song was recorded by many artists as Odete Amaral, Jackson do Pandeiro, Gilberto Gil, Gordurinha, Carmélia Alves and Zé Ramalho, among others.

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